DAW IT User manual

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Presets & Profiles

A Profile is a standard file in the storage memory of your device.
– The path is: <Internal Storage>\android\data\com.dawvelopment.dawit\files\profiles
– The file extension is “.dawit
– Usually you don’t have to deal with these folders unless you want to copy your profiles to another folder or device.
– If you don’t feel comfortable with the File Manager of your device, please use the Share button as described below on 
Description #7.
Also, a Profile is a collection of Presets.
A Profile can hold one or more Presets of the 4 main functions of DAW IT (Faders, 3D Pads, Buttons and Key Switches).

A typical structure seems like this:


In this way you can use any preset from any profile for the 4 main functions at the same time!
For example, you can use:

Profile 2 – Preset 5 for Faders
Profile 1 – Preset 1 for 3D Pads
Profile 1 – Preset 3 for Buttons
Profile 2 – Preset 6 for Key Switches

Please note !!!

Every time you edit an element, for example the color of a button, the active profile will be automatically updated with the changes you make. In this way you don't have to worry about forgetting to save your profile.

Useful Tip !

To Import a Profile into DAW IT, please follow these steps:
1- Open your Android device File Manager app (*) and copy the profile into folder "Profiles" which is inside Internal Storage>\android\data\com.dawvelopment.dawit\files
2- Launch DAW IT, tap on Global Settings
3- Tap on PROFILES
4- The copied profile will be available for selection
(*) For Android 11 and later systems, you must use your computer in order to copy profiles, because of the new permission limitations Google has added


profile numbered description
  1. This is the TITLE of the function. There are 3 more available, one for 3D Pads, one for Buttons and one for Key Switches.
  2. Select a profile to open from this drop-down list.
  3. Select a preset to open from this drop-down list.
  4. Create new profile.
  5. Duplicate selected profile. You’ll be asked for a new name.
  6. Delete selected profile.
  7. Share selected profile.
  8. Set the same profile for the other 3 functions too.
  9. Create new preset.
  10. Duplicate selected preset. You’ll be asked for a new name.
  11. Delete selected preset.
  12. Set the same preset for the other 3 functions too.


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