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any button to the right of the

When I push any of the 5 buttons to the right of the home button I get the same screen as the settings button. I just installed the app on a Lenovo tablet with android 7.1.1

Hello. As I understand this happens because it is the first time you use the application.
So, the 1st time, when you press 1 of the main functions (faders, 3D pads etc) the app transfers you to the Settings/Profiles screen in oder to create your 1st Profile AND 1st Preset. You MUST do this !!!
For example, press the Faders, then at the Profiles screen, give a name for Profile and then give a name for your 1st Preset.
Then all should work fine.

Check the user manual on the link below:

DAW IT User Manual Presets Profiles

Thanks! I just saw your other response to the same question. I was reading the manual and couldn't figure it out. The next step is to figure out how to pay for this wonderful app.

Glad you made it !!!
At this moment the app is free of charge.
Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And congratulations for disconnecting from google. Warms my heart to see people being creative people.

Quote from Auth-bot on 05/02/2024, 18:02

Glad you made it !!!
At this moment the app is free of charge.
Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So... I got everything working, was moving faders and pushing buttons until... my tablet died. So I got another tablet with Android 13. And I started from square 1 where I can't for the life of me create a profile or a preset. I touch on the plus sign next to profile in the fader box. I type in a name. I see no way to confirm or save. I touch "not selected". Could there be a compatibility problem with Android 13? Or maybe I'm just getting old.

Yes getting old but this new android 13 is weird. I didn't see the check button. I'm good now for now

WOW! I got stuck again. Couldn't find the check button anywhere. Finally watched the video and I noticed the virtual keyboard had a check button. I was using a Bluetooth keyboard. No check button. Enter doesn't do it. It appears you gotta use the virtual keyboard for it to work.

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