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Not detecting virtual midi ports.

The app was working great for about two hours. Then it suddenly stopped detecting my virtual midi ports. I have reinstalled it and restarted my phone to no avail. Bandlab and nTrack are both recognizing the ports.

Since 2 DAWs recognize the MIDI port, the problem is on the phone.
Download another free MIDI app from Google Play and check the MIDI connection.
There are only a few times this problem occurs but a simple USB disconnect-reconnect solves it.

Sorry I guess maybe I'm confused. Both of those DAWs are on the same device as Daw It so if there is a problem with ports then they wouldn't be able to see them either right? All other midi based apps can see the ports but Daw It just doesn't seem to detect them. I'm using Midihub paid version to create the ports. There are 8 of them that all seem to be working fine for other apps. Ive also tried a different free virtual midi port app. There's no USB connected at all. Just app to app transfer of data. Am I missing something? Anyone have a suggestion for a good midi connector app?

Keep in mind that DAW IT is made for use with Computer based DAWs via MIDI over USB connection and it is not optimized for internal MIDI use.
So I don't know what happens with internal MIDI ports.
Also DAW IT must be opened as the last app after Midihub and DAW in order to recognize any MIDI ports available.

Ahh that makes sense then. I was using it to send midi messages over Bluetooth to a wireless midi device. I guess I'll have to find another touchscreen controller app. Thanks anyways.

You are welcome !!

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